
Mossman Quilt & Craft Expo: Airing of the Quilts

Event Contact

user Katie Shepherdson

Event Details

Event Date
22/06/2024 9:00 am to 24/06/2024 3:00 pm
Event Location
Mossman Indoor Sports Centre, Front St, Mossman QLD 4873
Event Price
attach_money Entry (including program) Adult - $10.00, High School aged - $8.00

Visit the 2024 Mossman Quilt & Craft Expo: Airing of the Quilts

Saturday 22nd June 9:00am – 4:00pm

Sunday 23rd June 9:00am – 4:00pm

Monday 24th June 9:00am – 3:00pm

See a display of quilt and craft items created from all over North Queensland and beyond.

Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to wander through and enjoy the beautiful creations on show. Delicious morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be available each day. Enjoy a tea or coffee or a cold drink while you chat with friends. You will also be able to visit craft stalls with gifts and all of your quilt/crafting needs.

All proceeds of this amazing event go to Leukaemia Foundation.
